Wednesday, March 26, 2008


No one had seen her coming. Her disshelved appearance should have caught everyone's eye, but it made her a part of the mayhem around. Just another figure in the background. It was an art and she had mastered it completely.
The art of invisibility.

But It failed her today.
Today of all days when she was hoping to rely on it the most. She was going to meet him today.
She will let him see her. Maybe even let him touch her hands, like he used to when he was a kid, searching for the rest of her in the myriad lines on her palms. Today, maybe she will find his heart again, to stay in. But she trembled at these thoughts, for he was a kid no more.

And so it was, that she walked with the crowd again. She had left her tresses uncurled, her lips bereft of any shade, just the way he preferred. Pale in the scorching heat, she moved towards his grand hotel and made herself invisible. Waiting for him and only him to see her.

He came, but did not stop. He did not even look around. Could he have forgotten already?
She didn't wait and ran after him.
She called out to him.
She knew he could see her now. His eyes were shining like two parallel mirrors, recording her image, repeating it a million times over.
It must have been a minute later when she realised, he wasn't the only one watching her.
The bullet had found its mark.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

'An Abridged Fantasy'

He was sitting outside her door. Waiting.

Fiddling with configurations of his digital wrist watch. Wishing, If time could move past.. the ordained hour.
One could tell, he was a man of action, not used to waiting. His lack of patience was evident in the way his eyes would glance at the wall clock every few minutes and the rapid tapping of his left foot was evidence enough of his nervousness. He had loosened his tie and his hair was standing up, almost a home now for his stray fingers as they browsed through, in anticipaton. The worry etched on his face was almost seeping into the room, every tense second engraving lines on his face. If one was morbid enough, they could see him ageing... second by second.

He had been waiting for this moment for almost an year. The perfect time when he could be someone's Knight. The thought of finally taking the jump, the responsibility of another life. But the gravity of his responsibility had taken time to sink in. He was scared.. he would be a fool to not admit that, but more importantly.. he was eager! All his instincts assured him that he would not fail this. He will always take care, 'a commitment for life'.
The slight hum of the Air Conditioner was still keeping him company but his ears were attuned to pick up only one sound. Her cry... or the opening of a creaking door.

It must have been only another 15 minutes, those which felt like ages to him. The door creaked open, and he turned around.

"come in Sir"..

He walked in.
She handed him his baby in his arms.
As he gazed with proud tearful eyes at his wife, he could not believe how wonderful it felt, as his fantasy... came to Life!

Unconditional Love