Friday, September 7, 2007

Giving up

He had been on the run for four days now, exhaustion was biting into every cell of his body. If only he could get some rest and lie down for a while. But, lying down was not an option, no.. he could not rest just as yet.

He still had forty more of them to fix and if he could not undo the damage caused by the explosion within the next twenty hours.... well.. he shuddered to even imagine the possibilities. He still had not figured out what had caused this in the first place, but wherever he turned he could see.. ruins of what once used to be a manifestation of a city of dreams..

How he came about here was another mystery, he didn't seem to remember.. he certainly had not applied for the job. But he understood the implications of not doing it and he realized that he was quite adept at maintaining this place.

It was almost as if the dreams had an affinity for him, he could coax them into fluttering away before they could become an obsession, he could charm them into being more beautiful to bring peace and he had already proved himself to be quite capable at keeping the rouge ones away. But this.. this was a disaster... every pillar.. every stone.. shattered to pieces..

Everything smelled of death... but he could not just let go.. he had to fix this.. he had to keep it alive. Of all the things that could fix this place, he knew that believing in it was the first.
and so he had been.. working .. working like he never had... fueling the place..mending what he could. Collecting all the pieces and willing them into reforming themselves.

yes.. he could almost get this done.. if he could just go on.. for a little more while. The exhaustion of reality was pressing down on him.. compelling him to accept defeat. He shook his head and stood up as he said "No... Giving up on dreams, is not an option!!"

He will keep at his work... until the the darkness recedes.


AakASH!!! said...

I was actually waiting to find what was it exactly that he was doing, but then in the end realised, that this story like everything you say is too seeped in metaphysical than the reality of it all.

This never ending pursuit, of trying to save oneself and one's dreams from destruction, wears one out. Hai na?

btw, you meant 'rogue' or 'rouge'?(both work, one is 'bad dreams' another 'red dreams', which can be taken as bad)

Anki said...

hmm.. well.. i dont knw after reading your comment if u liked the story or not.. but yeah as u say.. i find it easier to slip into the metaphysical and paranormal instead of being rooted in reality.. fanatasy is just an easy way to discuss something real tho..

regarding rouge or rogue.. i guess i wud agree.. both wud suffice.. i just meant .. 'bad ones'

AakASH!!! said...

Ohh i thought i made it clear. I did like it. :)

And yas fantasy is far more easier than reality, but to bring it alive in words, is no easy task.

Unconditional Love